--- author: Stéphane Laurent date: '2022-02-11' highlighter: 'pandoc-solarized' output: html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no md_document: preserve_yaml: True variant: markdown rbloggers: yes tags: 'R, datatables, shiny, javascript' title: Nice DT filters --- I am not a big fan of the built-in filters of **DT**. I prefer the ones below, made with the help of the JavaScript library **select2**. ![](figures/DTselect2Filters.gif){width="75%"} First, [download](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/select2) the files **select2.min.js** and **select2.min.css**. Now, here is the code: ``` {.r .numberLines} library(DT) library(htmltools) dat <- iris sketch <- tags$table( tags$thead( tags$tr( tags$th(), lapply(names(dat), tags$th) ), tags$tr( lapply(c(0, 1:ncol(dat)), function(i) tags$th(id = paste0("th", i))) ) ) ) js <- c( "function(){", " this.api().columns().every(function(i){", " var column = this;", " var $select =", " $('')", " .appendTo($('#th'+i).empty())", " .on('change', function(){", " var vals = $('option:selected', this).map(function(idx, element){", " return $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex($(element).val());", " }).toArray().join('|');", " column.search(", " vals.length > 0 ? '^(' + vals + ')$' : '', true, false", " ).draw();", " });", " var data = column.data();", " if(i == 0){", " data.each(function(d, j){", " $select.append('');", " });", " }else{", " data.unique().sort().each(function(d, j){", " $select.append('');", " });", " }", " $select.select2({width: '100%', closeOnSelect: false});", " });", "}") htmlDep <- htmlDependency( name = "select2", version = "4.0.13", src = "path/to/select2", # path to the folder containing the 'select2' files script = "select2.min.js", stylesheet = "select2.min.css", all_files = FALSE ) dtable <- datatable( dat, container = sketch, options = list( orderCellsTop = TRUE, initComplete = JS(js), columnDefs = list( list(targets = "_all", className = "dt-center") ) ) ) dtable[["dependencies"]] <- c(dtable[["dependencies"]], list(htmlDep)) dtable ```